Laboratory for quantum biophotonics :: Photonics Center ::

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Laboratory for quantum biophotonics

Group for quantum optics and biophotonics.


Quantum and atomic optics group leader:

  • Dušan Arsenović, principal research fellow



  • dr Željka Nikitović, principal research fellow
  • dr Darko Vasiljević, principal research fellow
  • dr Branko Kolarić, principal research fellow
  • dr Vladimir Damljanović, senior research associate
  • dr Zoran Grujić, senior research associate
  • dr Branka Murić, senior research associate
  • dr Svetlana Savić-Šević, senior research associate
  • dr Stanko Nikolić, senior research associate
  • dr Jelena Dimitrijević, research associate
  • dr Marina Lekić, research associate
  • dr Danica Pavlović, research associate
  • dr Bojana Bokić, research associate
  • Vladimir Lazović, research assistant
  • Ivan Radojičić, research assistant
  • Marija Ćurčić, research assistant
  • Filip Krajinić, research trainee


External associates

  • dr Branislav Jelenković, member of the SASA
  • dr Dejan Pantelić, principal research fellow
  • dr Mirjana Božić, principal research fellow


Previous members

  • dr Milan Radonjić, senior research associate
  • Dušan Grujić, research assistant


Research direction

  • The Laboratory was constituted by merging of two groups: the group for quantum and atomic optics and the biophotonics group
  • The Laboratory researches various aspects of the interaction of light with living organisms, as well as the imitation of optical and photonic structures in living world. Different microscopic techniques for structure analysis, theoretical models for the explanation of structure functioning in UV to THz electromagnetic bands, and also the holographic and laser techniques for detection, imitation and biomimetis have been developed.
  • The research also covers specific interactions of laser and atoms which generate processes of coherent population trapping, linked phenomena of electromagnetic induced transparency and absorption, as well as non-linear magneto-optical rotation of polarization. Hot vapor of alkali metal atoms are used. Our investigations are focused to the area of slow or stopping light as well, and also to its applications in all-optical signal switching. Measuring of Zeeman splitting of magnetic sub-levels of alkali metals by quantum optic techniques enables monitoring of magnetic field fluctuations with sensitivity of the order of femto Tesla. Such sensitivity enables the detection of brain waves and also the non-contact measurement of heart operation. Magnetometers developed in our laboratory are used in the experiments for measurements of neutron dipole moment (nEDM collaboration) and for the detection of exotic interactions with dark matter (axions, GNOME collaboration). In near future, due to the project funded by the Government of Germany, mobile high-precision magnetometer for geomagnetic mapping of unexplored locations of mineral resources or archaeological sites will be developed.


More info: [1]


Laboratory for quantum biophotonics ¦̅  11

D. Arsenović


Laboratory for metamaterials
Laboratory for biophysics
Laboratory for nonlinear photonics
Laboratory for plasma spectroscopy and lasers
Laboratory for biomedical simulations
Laboratory for photoacoustics
Laboratory for quantum biophotonics
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