Seminar on photonics :: Photonics Center ::

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Seminar on photonics

Seminar on photonics, organized by the Photonics Center


(chair: Branislav Jelenković)


S 20151116  2015-11-16 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom "Dragan Popović":
—Experiments in the Biomolecular Physics Laboratory of the KTH (Sweden)
—by Mihailo Rabasović
—Abstract: An overview of what has been done in last period in the Laboratory for Experimental Biomolecular Physics of the KTH will be presented. A description of new equipment and its purpose will be given. Also, preliminary results obtained in previous year will be shown.

S 20151103  2015-11-16 T 14:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom "Dragan Popović":
—Impressions from UNO4 workshop and COST1403 WG2 workgroup meeting (in Serbian)
—by Aleksander Kovačević
—Abstract: The fourth international workshop of ultrafast nano-optics (UNO4) was held in Bad Duerkheim (Germany). Collocated was the meeting of the second workgroup (nonlinearities and ultrafast processes in nano-structured media) of the COST 1403 action (quantum nano-optics). The presentations were mainly about the interaction of ultrafast laser pulses with nano-structured media, plasmons, nano-antennas, photoelectron microscopy,... On this seminar, the impressions from both the workshop and workgroup meeting will be presented.

S 20151026  2015-10-26 T 12:00 (timechange) 13:00 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom "Dragan Popović":
—Plasmonic properties of 2D periodic nanostructures: photo-acoustic detection of surface plasmon polaritons; Nonlinear optical properties of ZnWO4 crystals
—by Emilija Petronijevic, PhD student (La Sapienza University of Rome, Nonlinear Photonics Lab)
—Abstract: Plasmonics as an exciting field of nanophotonics paves the way towards the more efficient optical functional elements with applications in subwavelength microscopy, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) for biosensors, plasmonic waveguides, nonlinear photonic, photonic integrated circuits etc. Here we investigate the optical coupling of Surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in 2D periodic array of nanoholes etched in gold/chromium layer upon a glass substrate. We apply the scattering independent photo acoustic technique to detect SPPs measuring the absorption of the periodic structures. We further investigate the confinement of electrical field by means of Raman spectroscopy measurements. The experimental results are in good agreement with FDTD simulations.
In my first year I have been also working on the nonlinear optical characterization of ZnWO4 single crystals and ZnWO4-ZnO composites fabricated by means of micro-pulling down technique. We have measured Second harmonic generation in this supposedly centrosymmetric crystal, as well as the other interesting processes such as the emission induced by three-photon absorption and Raman scattering induced sum frequency generation. These are technologically important materials, with applications in X-ray and gamma-scintillators, solid state laser hosts, sensors etc.


S 20150622  2015-06-22 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom "Dragan Popović":
—Life is miracle (in Serbian)
—by Dragan Lukić

S 20150415  2015-01-15 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom "Dragan Popović":

—Controlling the flow of light and colour: understanding photonic crystals in biological systems
—by Peter Vukušić (School of Physics, University of Exeter, UK)

S 20150225  2015-02-25 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Metamaterials in holography, holography for metamaterials (in Serbian)
—by Dejan Pantelić
—Abstract: In the seminar, possibilities of metamaterials applications in hologram recordings will be shown, as well as holographic microlitography technics for metamaterials generation.


(chair: Branislav Jelenković)

S 20141031  2014-10-31 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Nobel prize for chemistry in 2014 - super-resolution microscopy (in Serbian)
—by Mihailo Rabasović

S 20141013  2014-10-13 T 14:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—The application of liquid crystals for the tunability of the components in microwave domain (in Serbian)
—by Emilija Petronijević from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
—Abstract: The division and characteristics of liquid crystals as substances that have the great potential for easy control of electromagnetic characteristics of significant componetnts will be presented. A review from the literature from area of liquid crystal application in microwave components will be presented. New types of experiments for the characterisation in this domain will be proposed as well as contemporary attempts of tunability in real components.

S 20141006 2014-10-06 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Diagnostics of laser-induced plasma with optical emission-spectroscopy (in Serbian)
—by Marko Cvejić
—Abstract: The diagnostics procedure for laser-induced plasma (LIP) on solid target at atmospheric pressure by optical emission spectroscopy, has been presented. LIP has been generated by focusing of Nd:YAG laser radiation (1064 nm, 50 mJ, pulse duration 15 ns) on the surface of the pelet containing Li among other elements. The setup details have been explained as well as the procedure of spectral images processing. High-speed imaging has been used for recording the LIP evolution. Time parameters convenient for spectroscopic recordings, delay time after laser pulse and the duration of the time window of plasma radiation recording, have been determined from the images. Spatial distribution of the electron density, as well as the temperatures have been determined by fitting the 497.17 nm Li line. Stark parameters of the Li I 460.28 nm line with forbidden component have been measured for the first time. From the comparison of theoretical and experimental profiles of this line, it could be concluded that theoretical results might be used for the determination of the electron density.

S 20140922 2014-09-22 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Digital holography interferometry of biomechanical models
—by Dušan Grujić

S 20140613 2014-06-13 T 12:00 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—New Spatial Image Correlation Techniques based upon Excited-State or Ground-State Depletion
—by Andrew Clayton from the Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Micro-Photonics, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia

S 20140331 2014-03-31 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—DataFlow SuperComputing (in Serbian)
—by Veljko Milutinović from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade
—Abstract: This presentation analyses the essence of DataFlow SuperComputing, defines its advantages and sheds light on the related programming model. DataFlow computers, compared to ControlFlow computers, offer speedups of 20 to 200 (even 2000 for some applications), power reductions of about 20, and size reductions of also about 20. However, the programming paradigm is different. The talk explains the paradigm, using Maxeler as an example (Maxeler is 20% owned by JPMorgan), and sheds light on the ongoing research in the field. Examples include GeoPhysics,CivilEngineering, DataMining, etc.

S 20140317 2014-03-17 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Defect-guided Airy beams in optically induced waveguide arrays (in Serbian)
—by Nemanja Lučić
—Abstract: We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that a finite Airy beam changes its trajectory and shape in optically induced waveguide arrays consisting of different kinds of defects. The propagation dynamics and beam acceleration are controlled with positive and negative defects, and appropriate refractive index change. An additional class of discrete beams and Airy defect modes are demonstrated.

S 20140303 2014-03-03 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Robustness of dark resonance line-widths in counter propagating Ramsey pump probe beams (in Serbian)
—by Ivan Radojičić
—Abstract: We studied electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) of the probe laser that is surrounded by the counter-propagating hollow pump beam. The diameter of the probe beam is smaller than the diameter of the hole of the hollow pump, allowing successive excitation of Zeeman coherences in Rb atom, between which atom is in a dark for some time, as required by the Ramsey method. We have shown the probe EIT that is entirely due to scattering of the weak probe on the atomic coherences generated in the pump beam. As such, EIT line widths are nearly independent on laser intensity (for intensities between 0.5mW/cm2 and 2mW/cm2) and on the probe diameter (between 0.8 mm and 2.5 mm), keeping the same length of the dark region, i.e. the distance between pump and probe.

S 20140223: 2014-02-23 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Inverse corrrelation CARS microscopy (in Serbian)
—by Mihailo Rabasović
—Abstract: In the last twenty years, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) has shown itself as a powerful tool which enables the measurement of various physical quantities in biological samples on microscopic level. The main drawback of this method is its dependence on the "coloring" of samples. This lecture will present the results of the method development which should enable measurements similar to FCS but without the need for the coloring of the samples.

S 20140210: 2014-02-10 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Control of Airy Beam Self-Acceleration with Photonic Lattices (in Serbian)
—by Bojana Bokić

S 20140203: 2014-02-03 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Examples of combining experimental and theoretical methods in surface physics (in Serbian)
—by Željko Šljivančanin from the Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinča"
—Abstract: By combining modern experimental methods such as STM (scanning tunneling microscopy) and computer simulations based on density functional theory (DFT - Density Functional Theory), it is possible to describe both the physical properties of crystal surfaces and a number of important processes on the precision that is beyond the reach of each of these methods individually. The dissociation of the oxygen molecules on the platinum surface as well as small structures formed by hydrogen atoms adsorbed on graphite and graphene will be shown as examples.



S 20131216: 2013-12-16 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Horror and erotics in the world of insects - 3D images of microobjects obtained by non-linear laser scanning microscopy (in Serbian)
—by Aleksandar Krmpot
—Abstract: The development of contemporary microscopic techniques is due to the long-term improvement of optical devices - various laser types and microscopic objectives in first place. Nowadays, advanced microscopic techniques, which give us various and compatible information, enable complete characterization of some microscopic objects. Nonlinear microscopy, by the detection of nonlinear effects during femtosecond laser beam scanning, provides information on oriented structures, refractive index changes or fluorescent properties from the bulk. Nonlinear effects, multi-photon absorption, second and third harmonic generation are generated only in the laser beam focus where sufficiently high intensity is obtained by objectives of high numerical aperture and ultra-short laser pulses. In this way it is possible, in optical sense, to "cut" the sample to very thin slices in order to get the 3D image of the micro-object by the utilization of special computer programs. After the development and setting up the instrument, the first results in the Photonics Center of the Institute of Physics are obtained on the samples of endemic insects Pheggomisetes ninae and Plussiocampa christiani, which inhabit the caves of south-eastern Serbia and central Balkans, as well as on composite eyes of cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) and some endemic spieces of butterflies (Lepidoptera).

S 20131209: 2013-12-09 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Fundamental hybrid theory of quantum-classical systems in phase space (in Serbian)
—by Nikola Burić
—Abstract: A new hybrid theory of quantum-classical systems will be described, by using the mathematical frame of dynamical systems with links in quantum-classical phase space. Both quantum and classical mechanics have been treated as exact descriptions of the phenomena in corresponding domains, so the description of the quantum-classical interacion has been postulated independently. The theory crucially includes the effects of neglected degrees of freedom. Dynamical equation of the theory is of the non-linear stochastic equation type with Hamiltonian and gradient factors. The theory successfully gives the dynamical description of the quantum measurement process.

S 20131118: 2013-11-18 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Coherent energy transfer in a multicore optical fiber (in Serbian)
—by Ljupčo Hadžievski from the Nonlinear photonics group of the Institute of nuclear sciences "Vinča"
—Abstract: I will present a theory of coherent light propagation and energy transfer in a multicore optical fiber with nonlinear and linearly coupled cores. It is demonstrated that in the optical fiber with a central core and N periphery cores stable steady-state coherent multicore propagation is possible only for the vortex structures. Analytical and numerical results on the existence, stability and dynamical behavior of the vortex structures will be discussed. The presented theory of energy transfer in nonlinear discrete systems is rather generic and has a range of potential applications including both high-power fiber lasers and ultrahigh-capacity optical communication systems.

S 20131113: 2013-11-13 T 13:15 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Light propagation in optically induced photonic structures
—by Martin Boguslawski from the Institute of Applied Physics, University of Münster
—Abstract: We present a highly flexible optical induction approach based on liquid crystal spatial light modulators that allow for developing arbitrary lattice structures. In this context, formation of complex non-diffracting photonic lattices, structures and superlattices is shown. The technique additionally enables an intuitive way of randomization, offering the necessary conditions for Anderson localization. We further used the high nonlinear response of these systems to experimentally demonstrate soliton oscillations in a parabolic potential landscape.

S 20131028: 2013-10-28 T 12:30 +02× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Nanoparticles, nanotubes, graphenes and their polymer composites: potential applications in the areas of construction materials, catalysis, water purification and drug delivery (in Serbian)
—by Petar Uskoković from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade
—Abstract: The talk will present a short overview of research performed at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy (Lab of Composite materials and Nanotech FTM) related to nanoparticles, nanotubes and graphenes, their functionalization, characterization and implementation in various fields. The exceptional properties of nanomaterials enable the plethora of applications in neat and functionalized state as well as embedded in various polymer matrices.
The ability of studied nanomaterials to disperse in polymer matrices, serve as catalyst carriers and sorbents or to improve the pharmacological and therapeutic profile of a drug molecule is hampered due to its strong intermolecular van der Waals interactions. The talk will detail selective approaches to improve dispersion and deagglomeration as well as surface decoration with functional groups and realize the great capability of nanomaterials, which enables chemical covalent or non-covalent bonding with the material of interest.
Talk will focus on several topics of implementation of which we can stress the application of nanoparticles and graphenes in polymer composites and flexible electronics, the use of carbon nanotubes as sorbents for removal of heavy metal ions from water, catalysts carriers and nanovehicles for drug delivery. Prospects for future experiments using these material configurations to fabricate co-axial electrospun nanocomposite membranes, filters and scaffolds/implants with mechanical integrity and possibility of real-life implementation will be presented.

S 20131018: 2013-10-18 T 13:30 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Information on Horizon 2020 (in Serbian)
—by Pavle Andjus from the Biological Faculty, University of Belgrade
—Abstract: A brief information from one-day seminar "EU Research and Innovation Framework Program - Horizon 2020", held in Belgrade, will be presented.

S 20130930: 2013-09-30 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—What butterfiles see (in Serbian)
—by Dejan Pantelić
—Abstract: There will be some words about physical mechanisms of the light detection in insects. The "construction" of a composite eye will be briefly explained as well as the physico-chemical processes which take part during the conversion of optical signal to electrical. I will also talk about our research of the butterflie's eye structure by the means of nonlinear two-photon microscopy.

S 20130610: 2013-06-10 T 13:15 +01 postponed to 2013-06-17 T 13:15 +01× Institute of Physics Classroom 10:
—Combined and pyrometrical system for the visualization and control of the flame in thermal power plant boilers (in Serbian)
—by prof. Ljubiša Zeković from the Physical Faculty and the member of the AINS Academy
—Abstract: This combined system is unique combination of hardware and software which enables achieving and constantly monitoring the following objectives: correct position of the flame in both horizontal and vertical planes of the firebox, limiting the maximal temeprature of the flame, the contents of slag in the system and the protection of the pipes against excessive temperatures, correct burning in reduction zones (particularly around main burners), establishing the correlation between mean maximal temperature in the firebox and the content of NOx, introducing a new correction parameter in the regulation system (maintaining the correct position of the flame, limiting the temperature in order not to exceed the NOx content in emission, etc).

S 20130527: 2013-05-27 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Electromagnetically induced coherent effects in laser-excited Raman resonances in rubidium vapor (in Serbian)
—by Milan Radonjić
—Abstract: The seminar will include the theoretical analysis of different coherent effects in laser-excited Raman resonances in multi-level systems in rubidium vapor. The coherent effects include electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), electromagnetically induced absorption (EIA) and Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passage (SCRAP). EIT and EIA resonances are investigated in Hanle configuration in vacuum cells with rubidium vapor by detailed theoretical modelling of realistic systems. The influence of the intensity profile of the laser beam to EIT and EIA resonances will be considered. Developed numerical model sucessfully explains the experimental results. Moreover, the SCARP theory in two- and three-level systems will be generalized to two- and three-level cases having unlimited number of degenerated sublevels, as well as to the implementation to the rubidium atom.

S 20130422: 2013-04-22 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Surface and volume waves in hyperbolic plasmonic crystal (in Serbian)
—by Slobodan Vuković, Center for microelectronic technologies and monocrystals, IHTM of the University of Belgrade
—Abstract: The change of the topology of isofrequency surfaces (ω(k)=const.) by using metamaterials is a new direction in the research of the interaction between light and materials. The transfer of isofrequqncy surfaces from closed ellipoids to open hyperboloids is manifested by sudden increase, as well as by the directivity of the spontaneous emission of the emitter which is submerged into the plasmonic crystal (metal-dielectric nano-structured super-lattice) or positioned in the immidiate surroundings of its surface. For this reason, the research of the characteristics of electromagnetic waves in hyperbolic plasmonic crystal, particularly those with high values of wave vectors, is of fundamental importance for the design of efficient coupling with the evanescent modes of the emitter. The results of our research of the influence of dispersion, diffraction and non-locality on the propagation of volume and surface waves in the conditions of extreme anisotropy of plasmonic crystal, as well as ENZ (epsilon-near-zero) regime will be presented.



(chair: Branislav Jelenković)

S 20130408: 2013-04-08 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—Biomimetics in plasmonics (in Serbian)
—by Zoran Jakšić, Center for microelectronic technologies and monocrystals, IHTM of the University of Belgrade
—Abstract: Micro/nanofabrication of 2D and 3D structures for nanoplasmonics is a great technological challenge. It is necessary to generate periodical metal-dielectric matrices of sub-wavelength dimensions, uniform in relatively large dimensions. One of possible approaches is the utilisation of complex biological structures as nano-architectural building blocks. They have extremely wide variety of shapes, complexity and functionality. However, no biological structures with plasmonics properties have been recorded yet. The possible solution of this problem might be the utilization of existing non-plasmonic biological structure functionalized by additional processing in order to attain plasmonic characteristics. Photonic structures in an animal world are a good example, particularly among insects. Flakes from butterfly wings may have a large number of various shapes, and they in fact serve as photonic crystal with low quotients of refractive indices. One of the examples is the Apatura ilia butterfly, whose wings behave as a diffraction optical element with diffraction efficiency depending on the angle. The functionalization of butterfly flakes may be done in functional materials such as metals or conductive metal oxides. Possible methods of functionalization include the deposition of nanoparticles from the solutions as well as the RF deposition by ultrathin films (sputtering). Complex 2D and 3D structures can be obtained by this approach with drastic reduction in necessary expenditures and technological complexities at the same time.

S 20121203: 2012-12-03 T 13:00 +02 postponed to 2012-12-10 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—The impressions and interesting presentations from the conference "Metamaterials 2012" (in Serbian)
—by Miranda Mitrović

S 20120904: 2012-09-04 T 14:00 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Fluorescence blinking in fluorophores monitored by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy" (in English)
—by Jerker Widengren, Exp. Biomol. Physics / Applied Physics, Royal Inst. Technology (KTH) Stockholm (Sweden)
—Abstract: In FCS there are many ways by which molecular dynamic processes can be monitored. One useful strategy is to analyse fluorescence fluctuations arising due to a dynamic process taking place, which switches the fluorescence of the studied molecules on and off. In this presentation it will be discussed how FCS can be used to extract information from molecular dynamic processes that change the fluorescence brightness of the analysed molecules. It will be shown how FCS in combination with ion sensitive fluorophores allow direct monitoring of ion exchange at a molecular level, at equilibrium, with no perturbations, and with negligible buffer effects from the fluorophores themselves. Further, it is shown how FCS offers a straightforward means to monitor the population kinetics of photo-induced, non-fluorescent transient states of fluorophores. Knowledge about the population kinetics of these states is important for the optimization of the fluorescence signal in single molecule experiments, but can also provide complementary dimensions of fluorescence-based information.

S 20120903: 2012-09-03 T 15:00 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Nanophotonic Devices" (in English)
—by Nigel Johnson, University of Glasgow (UK)
—Abstract: In this talk I will briefly survey the facilities at the James Watt Nanofabrication Centre and Nanophotonic devices fabricated there. Also covered is a more in-depth look at a metamaterial structure - asymmetric split ring resonators, their interaction with the polymer PMMA and the resulting Fano resonance.

S 20120827: 2012-08-27 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Non-diffractive beams in plasmonics" (in English)
—by Carlos Javier Zapata Rodriguez, University of Valencia (Spain)

S 20120730: 2012-07-30 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Time, Frequency and Laser research activities at UME" (in English)
—by Prof. Dr. Ramiz Hamid, National Metrological Institute of Turkey - UME (Turkey)

S 20120709: 2012-07-09 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—host: Branka Jokanović
—"Radar technologies for biomedical sensing" (in Serbian and in English)
—by profs. Olga Borić-Lubecke and Victor Lubecke, University of Hawaii (USA)

S 20120625: 2012-06-25 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Using of plasmonic metamaterials for the control of photonic density of states" (in Serbian)
—by Slobodan Vuković, IHTM

S 20120611: 2012-06-11 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Calibration of gauges used for the testing of optical components and systems in telecommunications" (in Serbian)
—by Nemanja Lučić

S 20120604: 2012-06-04 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Digital hologaphy" (in Serbian)
—by Dušan Grujić.

S 20120423: 2012-04-23 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Laser based on erbium-doped glass: development and application" (in Serbian)
—by Branislav Salatić

S 20120409: 2012-04-09 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"Nanophotonic and nanoplasmonic structures for sensors and detectors" (in Serbian)
—by Zoran Jakšić from the IHTM, Belgrade
—The research in nanophotonic and nanoplasmonic sensors and detectors in the Center for microelectronic technologies and monocrystals of the Institute for chemistry, technology and metallurgy, Belgrade, is presented. Basic, interconnected, groups of research are considered: Generalized plasmonic sensors for chemical and biological values based on electromagnetic metamaterials; amelioration of the semiconductor detectors by plasmonic resonance; transparent conductive oxides as alternative plasmonic materials with decreased losses and the red-shift of the resonance; plasmonics on free-standing nanomembranes; mechanisms of self-fluctuations and noise in biochemical sensors and optimal available sensor performances.
—Zoran Jakšić was born in 1960 in Pančevo, Serbia. He received his Dipl.-Ing., Mag. Sci. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering physics from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia. His interest are mesoscopic and subwavelength electromagnetic optics/nanooptics and nanophotonics, nanoplasmonics, including plasmonic metamaterials and plasmonic chemical and biological sensors; advanced MEMS and NEMS solid-state sensors and photonic sensors and long-wavelength infrared semiconductor photodetectors, including Auger-suppressed nonequilibrium devices. He authored 230 peer-reviewed publications, including 50 international journal papers and 5 book chapters. He is a Principal Research Fellow/Full Research Professor with the Center of Microelectronic Technologies and Single Crystals, a department of the Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia and the science director of the Center. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and a member of the OSA (Optical Society of America).

S 20120402: 2012-04-02 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics Library Classroom:
—"A report from the workshop Paterning methods for manufacturing optical components and systems"
—by Dejan Pantelić

S 20120319: 2012-03-19 T 12:00 +02 × Institute of Physics' "Zvonko Marić" Classroom:
—"Research on extraordinary transmission in the microwaves group of the University of Seville"
—by Prof. Francisco Medina (IEEE Fellow, Head of the Microwaves Group of the University of Seville, Physics College, Seville, Spain)
—host: Branka Jokanović
—the lecture is a part of a bilateral cooperation between the Institute of Physica and the Microwaves Group of the University of Seville (Spain), project "Reconfigurable and Multiband Devices and Antennas Based on Innovative Metamaterial Concept"

S 20120206: 2012-02-06 postponed due to extreme weather conditions to 2012-03-05 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Forming of microlenses as a mechanism of protection against laser radiation" (in Serbian)
—by Branka Murić




(chair: Branislav Jelenković)


S 20111226: 2011-12-26 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Slowing down and conserving light in atomic vapor - state-of-the-art and the presentation of results" (in Serbian)
—by Stanko Nikolić

S 20111212: 2011-12-12 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Spasers and nano-lasers" (in Serbian)
—by Slobodan Vuković

S 20111205: 2011-12-05 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Light localizations in disordered media" (in Serbian)
—by Svetlana Savić-Šević

S 20111031: 2011-10-31 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Quantum Tomography of Current and Voltage States in Nanoelectric Circuits"
—by Olga Manko from the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State Technical University, Moscow (RU)

S 20111017: 2011-10-17 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Squeezing at MIT" (in Serbian)
—by Senka Ćuk

S 20111010: 2011-10-10 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"3D modeling of microlenses by nonlinear laser scanning microscopy (the impressions after visiting the FORTH institute on Crete, Greece)" (in Serbian)
—by Aleksandar Krmpot

S 20111003: 2011-10-03 T 13:00 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"The impressions from the conference on contemporaray techniques in remote detection - Optoelectronic Techniques for Environmental Monitoring (OTEM)" (in Serbian)
—by Darko Vasiljević

(chair: Branislav Jelenković)

S 20110926: 2011-09-26 T 13:30 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Phonon eigenvectors in the points of high symmetry of Brillouen zones in graphene" (in Serbian)
—by Vladimir Damljanović

S 20110704: 2011-07-04 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Optical nonlocalities, dispersion and diffraction in plasmonic crystals" (in Serbian)
—by Slobodan Vuković from the Institute of Physics

S 20110620: 2011-06-20 T 14:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"New unconventional antenna structures" (in Serbian)
—by Aleksandar Nešić, director, from the IMTEL komunikacije a.d.
—Biće prikazane štampane antenske strukture koje su istraživane, razvijane i realizovane u Institutu za primenjenu fiziku, kasnije Institutu za mikrotalasnu tehniku i elektroniku, a koje se kvalitativno razlikuju od, do tada, poznatih struktura. Zatim nove napojne strukture, nove varijante integrisanih antenskih struktura i antenskih nizova. Veći broj prikazanih struktura ima potencijelne mogućnosti da nakon nastavka istraživanja preraste u rekonfigurabilne antenske strukture.

S 20110613: 2011-06-13 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Biophysics techniques in the investigation of the models of the amyotrophyc lateral sclerosis neuro-degenerative disease" (in Serbian)
—by Pavle Andjus from the Centar for Laser Spectroscopy of the Biological Faculty, University of Belgrade
—Savremene tehnike oslikavanja u dijagnostici u većoj meri baziraju se na nuklearnoj magnetnoj rezonanci (eng. „magnetic resonance imaging“ – MRI). Pregled kliničkih studija u oblasti neurologije ukazuje na generalno odsustvo pouzdanaih ćelijskih i molekulskih biomarkera. U cilju efikasnijeg ispitivanja patologije koriste se ćelijski i animalni modeli bolesti i komplementarne tehnike. U tom cilju, koristeći se MRI-tehnikama in vivo, kao i elektrofiziološkim i imunocitofluorescentnim merenjima na izolovanim ćelijama i tkivima ispitivali smo neurodegenerativno oboljenje motoneurona amiotrofičnu lateralnu sklerozu (ALS) na eksperimentalnom modelu hSOD1G93A pacova (nosi multiple kopije humane mutacije za superoksid dismutazu 1). ALS je najčešći oblik primarne forme progresivne motoneuronske bolesti. Transgeni miš ili pacov hSOD1G93A ima ALS-fenotip. Nedavno je upravo na ovom animalnom modelu pokazano da CD4+ tip T-limfocita ima ključnu ulogu u neuroprotekciji i supresiji neuroinflamatornih procesa.
—Dobijeni MRI rezulati proveravani su na moždanim isečcima tehnikom imunofluorescencije. U svrhu registrovanja imunofluorescencije korišćen je konfokalni laserski skanirajući mikroskop „LSM 510“, proizvođača „Carl Zeiss GmbH“ sa tri laserske jedinice: Ar multilinijski (457, 478, 488 i 514 nm) i dva He-Ne lasera (543, odn. 633 nm). Ovaj laserski sklop omogućuje ekscitaciju posebnih fluorohroma (fluorescentnih indikatora). Dvokanalno registrovanje emitovanog svetla je u opsegu od 475 nm preko zelenog i crvenog dela vidljivog spektra do IC svetla. Fluorescentnim obeležavanjem ispitivani su biomarkeri limfocita (TCR), mikroglije (OX-42 i ED-1) i neurona (NeuroTrace i NeuN). U cilju boljeg sagledavanja interakcije ćelija vršena je i akvizicija serije optičkih preseka uzorka pomoću z-filtera i potom rekonstrukcija 3D slike pomoću projekcionog „Zeiss“ računarskog programa.
—Elektorfiziološkim tehnikama na neuronima u kulturi pokazano je da imunoglobulini seruma pacijenata dovode do strujne aktivacije presinaptičkog porekla. MRI na hSOD1G93A pacovu in vivo otkrio je presimtomatične markere lezija u motornim jedrima kao i dilatirane moždane komore. Takodje, upotrebom posebnih magnetnih kontrasta i paramagnetnih nano-obeleživača utvrdjene su i tačke propustljivosti krvno-moždane barijere i infiltracija CD4+ i CD8+ limfocita. Konfokalnom mikroskopijom pokazani su reaktivni astrociti u okolini dilatiranih komora (MRI-nalaz), kao i aktivacija mikroglije u hipokampusu i moždanom stablu. Uočena je i interakcija mikroglije i neurona tj. kolokalizacija njihovih fluorescentnih markera. Najzad, dinamičkim merenjem mobilnosti fluorescentno obeleženih lizozoma astroglijalnih ćelija utvrdjen je efekat imunoglobulna ALS pacijenata na povećanje parametara mobilnosti ovih intraćeliskih vezikula.

S 20110606: 2011-06-06 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Can butterflies see optical vortices?" (in Serbian)
—by Dejan Pantelić

S 20110530: 2011-05-30 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Nanotechnologies for ultrafast sequencing: possibilities and challenges" (in Serbian)
—by Radomir Žikić from the Institute of Physics
—U uvom predavanju će biti prikazan napredak jedne od nejveće FP-inicijative na temu brzog sekvenciranja DNK, baziranoj na primeni nanotehnologije:

S 20110525: 2011-05-23 2011-05-25 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Plasmonic resonances / several methods of description" (in Serbian)
—by Nenad Sakan from the Institute of Physics

S 20110329: 2011-03-29 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Nuclear energy engineering - principles and practice" (in Serbian)
—by Ivan Aničin from the Institute of Physics

S 20110328: 2011-03-28 T 13:15 +02 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"On the phenomena of electromagnetically induced absorption in Hanle configuration" (in Serbian)
—by Jelena Dimitrijević

S 20110228: 2011-02-21 T 13:00 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Spektroskopija alkalijskih para i plazme" (in Croatian)
—by Goran Pichler from the Institute of Physics, Zagreb (Croatia)
—"Rad laboratorija za femtosekundnu lasersku spektroskopiju na IF-u u Zagrebu prikazat ćemo u slijedećim primjerima:
1. Alkalijska plazma je složžen sistem u kojem su prisutni atomski i molekularni spektralni fenomeni. Prikazat ćemo mjerenja vidljivog i infracrvenog spektra natrijeve i cezijeve visokotlačne žžarulje i ukazati na prednosti i nedostatke oba izvora svjetlosti. Moguće smjernice daljnjeg razvoja izvora svjetlosti, koji bi se eventualno mogli suprotstaviti izvanredno uspješšnom razvoju svjetlećih dioda biti će predložžene i diskutirane. Upotreba femtosekundnog lasera za poboljššanje efikasnosti plazma-izvora svjetlosti biti će ukratko izložžena.
2. Femtosekundni laserski oscilator sa svojim frekventnim češljem djeluje na raspodjelu brzina alkalijskih atoma. Složženo optičko pumpanje frekventnim češljem rezultira u koherentnim akumulacijskim efektima, što se provjerava skeniranjem kontinuiranog lasera preko D1 ili D2 rezonantnih linija rubidija ili cezija. Predstaviti ćemo mogućnosti upotrebe frekventnog češšlja pri hlađenju atoma i fotoasocijaciji u alkalijske dimere.
3. Femtosekundno lasersko pojačalo koristili smo za nelinearno miješšanje u natrijevim parama. Elektromagnetsko polje lasera inducira nelinearnost u parama natrija i sredstvo se ponašša kao nelinearni optički kristal (hiper Ramanovo rasprššenje). Prikazat ćemo najnovije rezultate gdje se očituje ponaššanje transijentne reššetke."

S 20110221: 2011-02-21 T 13:00 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"The dynamics of the small bodies in the Solar system (and research activities in the Astronomical Obsservatory)" (in Serbian)
—by Zoran Knežević from the Astronomical Observatory
—"Sopstveni elementi kretanja asteroida definiššu se kao kvazi-integrali problema N tela, ili kao pravi integrali u pojednostavljenoj dinamici. Postoji višše načina da se pojednostavi Hamiltonijan i da se dobije njegova integrabilna aproksimacija. Ovde ćemo prikazati metod zasnovan na transformacijama Lijevih redova, gde se putem dve kanoničke transformacije eliminiššu kratko- i dugo-periodični poremećaji da bi se na kraju dobio integrabilni sistem. Analitička teorija kretanja asteroida pomoću koje se danas najčeššće računaju sopstveni elementi kretanja asteroida uključuje članove razvoja funkcije poremećaja do drugog reda po poremećajnoj masi i četvrtog stepena u ekscentričnosti putanje i nagibu putanjske ravni. Biće opisana i odgovarajuća sintetička teorija, da bismo na kraju predstavili i neke tipične primere primene sopstvenih elemenata na odredjivanje starosti asteroidnih familija, odredjivanje položžaja nelinearnih sekularnih rezonanci u faznom prostoru elemenata kretanja, i sl."

S 20110131: 2011-01-31 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Towards the slow light experiment in Rb buffer gas cell" (in English)
—by Vladimir Đokić

S 20110124: 2011-01-24 T 11:00 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Line groups and their applications in the nanotube physics" (in Serbian)
—by Milan Damnjanović from the Faculty of
Physics of the University of Belgrade

—"Linijske grupe opisuju simetrije sistema periodičnih dužž jednog pravca. Određene su pre jednog veka, a primenu u fizici su dobile pri proučavanju polimera i raznih nanostruktura tokom prethodne dekade: nanotube, nanonožžice, nanoštapovi, itd.
Pomoću ovih simetrija izvrššena je potpuna klasifikacija svih monoperiodičnih sistema, i ukazano je na njihove opšte simterijski zasnovane osobine: održžani kvantni brojevi, struktura energetskih (elektronskih i fononskih) energetskih zona, dozvoljeni prelazi pri različitim procesima, prepoznavanje na osnovu difrakcionih slika, medjusobna interakcija, itd. Efikasnost numeričkih optimalizacija (kao DFT relaksacije) se značajno povećava korišćenjem simetrije pri parametrizaciji i dijagonalizaciji."



(chair: Branislav Jelenković)

S 20101230: 2010-12-30 T 11:00 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Plasmonic guides and photonic crystals"
—by Marko Spasenović from the Center for Nanophotonics of the FOM Institute AMOLF (Amsterdam - The Nederlands)

S 20101222: 2010-12-22 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Atomic coherence preparation by modulated light for magnetic field meauserment"
—by Dimitar Slavov from the Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia-Bulgaria)
—"Narrow dark and bright resonances in alkali atoms"
—by Stefka Kartaleva from the Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia-Bulgaria)

S 20101213: 2010-12-13 T 14:00 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Pulsed laser based on erbium-doped glass" (in Serbian)
—by Branislav Salatić

S 20101206: 2010-12-06 T 13:15 +01 × Institute of Physics' Library Classroom:
—"Dyakonov surface waves and surface waves on plasmonic crystals"

Seminar on photonics ¦̅  51



Laboratory for metamaterials
Laboratory for biophysics
Laboratory for nonlinear photonics
Laboratory for plasma spectroscopy and lasers
Laboratory for biomedical simulations
Laboratory for photoacoustics
Laboratory for quantum biophotonics
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