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Dr Dragan V. Lukić, CV


  • 2004: PhD in physics; experimental atomic and molecular physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • 1997: MSc in physics; experimental atomic and molecular physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
  • 1991: BSc in physics; theoretical physics, University of Belgrade, Serbia



  • 2008–present: Assistant Professor at Faculty of Agronomy, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
    • Physics with electronics
    • Informatics
  • 1999: Lecturer at Radar Site Maintenance course for KAF personnel, Nairobi, Kenya
  • 1998: Physics Teacher at Classical Lyceum, Belgrade, Serbia
  • 1991: Physics Teacher at Electromechanical school, Belgrade, Serbia


Academic Positions/Research

  • 2008–present: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Kragujevac, Serbia
  • 2005–present: Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Physics, Zemun, Serbia
    • Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics
    • Precision laser spectroscopy, atomic collisions
  • 2005–2007: Postdoctoral Research Scientist, Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory, New York, USA
    • Experimental astrophysics
    • Low-temperature dielectronic recombination of M-shell iron ions
  • 2001–2004: Research Associate, Institute of Physics, Zemun, Serbia
    • Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics
    • Precision laser spectroscopy, laser frequency stabilization
  • 1999–2001: Research Associate, Physics Department of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
    • Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics
    • Experiments using synchrotron radiation: photoelectron spectroscopy at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and ion time-of-flight spectroscopy at Synchrotron Radiation Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison
    • Ion-atom collision experiment, Auger spectroscopy of projectile Li3+ at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 1992–1999: Research Assistant, Research Associate, Institute of Physics, Zemun, Serbia
    • Experimental atomic, molecular and optical physics
    • Total electron impact ionization cross-section of atoms and molecules experiment
    • Calculation of properties of a single mode photon field in the Kerr medium
    • Calculations of atomic properties with multi-configuration Dirac-Fock packages
    • Design of electron and ion optics


Participation on research projects

  • 2007–present: Quantum and optical interferometry, 141003 MNT RS
  • 2005–2007: New Low Temperature Dielectronic Recombination Rate Coefficients for Modeling Photoionized Cosmic Plasmas, NASA Space Astrophysics Research and Analysis grant NAG5-5420
  • 2002–2005: Precise laser spectroscopy, 1443 MNZŽS RS
  • 1999–2001: U.S. NSF grants PHY-9732159 and PHY-9986699
  • 1998–1999: Physics of low-temperature plasma, MNT RS
  • 1996–1998: Atomic and molecular physics: Experimental physics of atomic particle collisions, 01E02, MNT RS
  • 1992–1995: Binary collisions of atomic particles E.0106, MNT RS


Publications - Journal papers


R. Wehlitz, P. N. Juranić, and D. Lukić

Double Photoionization of Magnesium from Threshold to 54 eV Photon Energy

Physical Review A 78, 033428-1 – 033428-5 (2008)

E. W. Schmidt, S. Schippers, D. Bernhardt, A. Meuller, J. Hoffmann, M. Lestinsky, D. A. Orlov, A. Wolf, D. V. Lukić, D. W. Savin, and N. R. Badnell

Electron-ion recombination for Fe VIII forming Fe VII and Fe IX forming Fe VIII: Measurements and theory

Astronomy and Astrophysics 492 (2008) 265–275.


E. W. Schmidt, D. Bernhardt, A. Müller, S. Schippers, S. Fritzsche, J. Hoffmann, A. S. Jaroshevich, C. Krantz, M. Lestinsky, D. A. Orlov, A. Wolf, D. Lukić, and D. W. Savin

Electron-ion recombination of Si IV forming Si III: Storage-ring measurement and multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations

Physical Review A (2007) 032717; arXiv:0709.1363v1.


R. Wehlitz, D. V. Lukić, and P. N. Juranić

Observation of a new 3s2 ® 3pnd double excitation Rydberg series in ground-state magnesium

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40, 2385–2397 (2007)


D. V. Lukić, M. Schnell, D. W. Savin, C. Brandau, E. W. Schmidt, S. Böhm, A. Müller,  S. Schippers, M. Lestinsky, F. Sprenger,  A. Wolf, Z. Altun, and N. R. Badnell

Dielectronic Recombination of Fe XV forming Fe XIV: Laboratory Measurements and Theoretical Calculations

Astrophysical Journal 664 (2007) 1244–1252; arXiv:astro-ph/0704.0905.


P. N. Juranić, D. Lukić, K. Barger, and R. Wehlitz

Multiple Photoionization and Fragmentation of C60 in the 18–280 eV Range

Physical Review A 73, 042701-1 – 042701-8 (2006)


E. W. Schmidt, S. Schippers, A. Müller, M. Lestinsky, F. Sprenger, M. Grieser, R. Repnow, A. Wolf, C. Brandau, D. Lukić, M. Schnell, and D. W. Savin

Electron-Ion Recombination Measurements Motivated by AGN X-Ray Absorption Features: Fe XIV Forming Fe XIII

Astrophysical Journal 641, L157–L160 (2006)    


P. N. Juranić, D. Lukić, K. Barger, and R. Wehlitz

Experimental evidence for modulations in the relative double-photoionization cross section of C60 from threshold up to 280 eV

Physical Review Letters 96, 023001 (Jan 20, 2006)


J. B. Bluett, D. Lukić, S. B. Whitfield, and R. Wehlitz

Double photoionization near threshold

Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B – Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 241 (1-4), 114–117 (Dec 2005)


N. Simonović, D. Lukić, and P. Grujić

Double ionization by positrons near threshold

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 38 (17), 3147–3161 (Sep 14, 2005)


R. Wehlitz, J. Colgan, M. M. Martinez, J. B. Bluett, D. Lukić, and S. B. Whitfield

Double photoionization processes in lithium

Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 144, 59-62 Sp. Iss. SI (Jun 2005


A. Krmpot, M. Mijailović, B. Panić, D. Lukić, A. Kovačević, D. Pantelić, and B. Jelenković

Sub-Doppler absorption narrowing in atomic vapor at two intense laser fields

Optics Express 13, 1448–1456 (Mar 7, 2005)


R. Wehlitz, D. Lukić, and J. B. Bluett

Single and Double Photoionization of Beryllium below 40 eV

Physical Review A 71, 012707-1 – 012707-5 (2005)


D. Lukić, J. B. Bluett, and R. Wehlitz

Unexpected Behavior of the Near-Threshold Double-Photoionization Cross Section of Beryllium

Physical Review Letters 93, 023003 (2004)


R. Wehlitz, M. M. Martinez, J. B. Bluett, D. Lukić, and S. B. Whitfield

Double-to-Single Photoionization Ratio of Lithium at Medium Energies

Physical Review A 69, 062709 (2004)


J. B. Bluett, D. Lukić, and R. Wehlitz

Triple photoionization of Ne and Ar near threshold

Physical Review A 69, 042717 (2004)


R. Wehlitz, D. Lukić, and J. B. Bluett

Resonance Parameters of Autoionizing Be 2pn States

Physical Review A 68, 052708 (2003)


R. Wehlitz, D. Lukić, C. Koncz, and I. A. Sellin

Setup For Measurement of Partial Ion Yields at SRC

Review of Scientific Instruments 73, 1671–1673 (2002)


D. Lukić, P. R. Focke, C. Koncz, V. A. Morozov, F. W. Meyer, and I. A. Sellin

Autoionization of Doubly and Triply Excited States of Li+ and Li Produced in Li3+  Ion Collision with C60, Ar  and Xe

Physica Scripta T92, 174 (2001)


D. Lukić, G. Josifov and M. Kurepa

Total Electron-Ionization Cross Sections of the NO2 Molecule

International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 205, 1–6 (2001)


G. Josifov, D. Lukić, N. Djurić and M. Kurepa

Total, Direct and Dissociative Electron Impact Ionization Cross Section of the Acetylene Molecule

Journal if the Serbian Chemical Society 65, 517–527 (2000)

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Laboratory for metamaterials
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Laboratory for nonlinear photonics
Laboratory for plasma spectroscopy and lasers
Laboratory for biomedical simulations
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Laboratory for quantum biophotonics
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